Search Results
Vietnam Voices: 'We were high-value targets'
Vietnam Voices: 'We had our war for a day'
Vietnam Voices: 'We were so psyched up on everything, you know?'
Vietnam Voices: Elwin Valley: 'Grab all the ammo you can carry and a brand new rifle'
Vietnam Voices: 'Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into?'
Vietnam Voices: 'You're always listening. That's one sound you'll never forget — the incoming'
Vietnam Voices: 'We never laughed in Vietnam, but that was one day pretty close'
Vietnam Voices: 'I don't think I was destined to come back from there fully intact'
Vietnam Voices: 'Once ... they start shooting at you, you have a different feeling'
Vietnam Voices: 'We had incoming rounds virtually every day, incoming rockets or mortars'
Vietnam Voices: 'I realized we were in a mine field and I was trying to get us out of it'
Vietnam Voices: 'We were winning the war. There was no doubt in my mind.'